Sustainable business ethics
Camurus strives to ensure a high level of business ethics with suppliers, healthcare professionals, patients, third parties and other stakeholders. Our ambition is to proactively work to prevent corruption, anti-competitive behavior and bribery throughout our entire value chain. It also includes ensuring transparency in collaborations and marketing, without compromising data confidentiality and patient privacy.
Material aspects
Anti-corruption and anti-competative behavior (incl. transparency)
Camurus has zero tolerance for any form of corruption, bribery or anti-competitive behavior – which is clearly stated in the company’s Code of Conduct, Vendor Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Policy. Additionally, Camurus’ disclose transfers of values to healthcare and/or patient organizations, se transparency reporting
Sustainable supply chain management
We are commited to conduct operations sustainably and apply a due diligence perspective to minimize sustainability risks, such as human and labor rights abuses, corruption, or environmental degradation in our supply chain. Everyone working on Camurus’ behalf must be treated with respect, with secured human rights, labor rights and a healthy working environment.
Responsible product marketing
Camurus has guidelines in place to ensure transparent and ethical interactions with healthcare professionals and organizations, as well as accurate, balanced and objective product marketing.
Our goals by 2026
- Annual training of all Camurus employees and consultants in the company's
Code of Conduct in relevant topics, such as anti-corruption and data protection - Ensure an open culture where employees feel safe to report suspected misconduct, including corruption, as well as a robust framework for monitoring within which any problems are identified and addressed
- Disclose value transfers to the healthcare system according to applicable industry codes or on a voluntary basis, see transparency reporting
- Monitor all suppliers in the first tier within research and development, production and distribution regarding compliance with Camurus’ Vendor Code of Conduct
Our achievements
of empoyees trained in Camurus' code of Conduct in 2023*
of employees trained in data protection policy*
*as at end December 2023, source: Annual Report 2023
Camurus discloses grants and donations provided by Camurus AB since January 2022, including requests for such support which have been received by the company’s subsidiaries, as well as ongoing and completed Investigator Sponsored Studies. We also disclose other transfers of values to healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations, in accordance with applicable laws.
Whistleblower platform
Camurus has a digital whistleblowing platform in place which provides an easily accessible, secure and reliable mechanism for employees and third parties to report suspected misconduct involving Camurus.
In-depth data
For more in-depth data on focus area responsible business see Camurus' Annual Report 2023