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Renewable energy and transition to climate neutrality

Climate change is one of the biggest issues of our time. In 2023, Camurus adopted new overarching climate goals and an action plan for renewable energy and a transition to climate neutrality by 2045. The action plan will help Camurus continue and strengthen its journey to align the company's strategies towards a green transition in accordance with the framework and goals of the Paris Agreement.

 20242025 2030 2035 2040 2045 


2035: Reduce scope 1 and 2 CO2-emissions by at least 50% in 2035 compared to 2023

2035: Reduce a share of scope 3 CO2- emissions by 40% in 2035 compared to 2023

 2045: Science based net zero GHG-emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3) by 2045*
Scope 1

2024: Transition from combustion engine cars to electric cars should be conducted as fast as possible

From 2024: All new benefit cars are electric cars where technically feasible

 2030: Transition of job cars to electric cars in the Nordic countries by 2030 where technically feasible2035: Transition of job cars to electric cars in other European countries by 2035 where technically feasible2040: Transition of job cars to electric cars in all other countries by 2040 where technically feasible 
Scope 1 and 2

From 2024: At least 80% of the energy used within Camurus’ operations to come from renewable sources

Scope 3

2024: Reduce 30% of CO2-emissions from air transportation of Camurus‘ products by transition to Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)

From 2025: Reduce 50% of CO2-emissions from air transportation by transition to renewable fuel (SAF)  From 2030: Reduce 100% of CO2-emissions from air transportation of Camurus‘ products by transition to Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)   
From 2024: Reduce 85% of CO2-emissions from road transportation by transition to renewable diesel (HVO) fuel  From 2035: Reduce 95% of CO2-emissions from road transportation of Camurus‘ products From 2045: Reduce 100% of CO2-emissions from road transportation of Camurus‘ products

* Aligned with the Paris agreement, and EU /Swedish legislation.
Total GHG emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3) are reduced by at least 90%. Residual GHG - emissions will be offset by carbon removals from 2045 and onwards