Our sustainability journey
Prioritizing medical sustainability
Camurus’ commitment to improve the lives of patients with severe and chronic diseases has a clear sustainability perspective. Our ambition is to contribute to a healthier world in a sustainable way by developing innovative and potentially life-changing medicines for the benefit of patients, caregivers, and society at large.
Our sustainability agenda
Camurus’ sustainability strategy and work are divided into four focus areas with established ambitions, goals, key figures and activities with the aim to contribute to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
SDG analysis
Camurus’ sustainability work aims to contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Of the UN’s 17 SDGs, Camurus has identified nine where the company sees the greatest potential for a positive impact.
See Camurus' SDG analysis and how the company contributes to respective SDG
UN Global Compact
In June 2023, Camurus was accepted as a participant of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world's largest sustainability network for companies. As a participant, Camurus commits working to contribute to the UN's Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) and the ten principles of the UNGC within the areas of human rights, labor law, environment and anti-corruption.

Sustainability reporting
More about our sustainability work can be found in the latest annual report, pages 50-75.
ESG rankings
Camurus has an ambitious sustainability agenda with the aim of improving the company’s sustainability performance and contribution to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Our performance and progress is regularly evaluated by independent third-party ESG ratings.
Nasdaq Transparency Partner
In 2023, Camurus became a Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner. The certification demonstrates Camurus’ commitment to market transparency and raising environmental standards.

Material sustainability aspects
Camurus’ conducted materiality analysis and stakeholder dialogue reinforces that Camurus should focus on its core business – responsible research and drug development, high access to treatments for patients and patient safety. The analysis and a situation analysis has laid the foundation for Camurus’ current sustainability strategy.
Learn more about the materiality analysis and identified key material aspects
Sustainability governance
Sustainability management at Camurus has a clear governance structure with well-defined responsibilities – including Camurus’ Board of directors, management team, cross-functional sustainability committee, Director Sustainability and employees.
Governing documents and guidances
As support and guidance in the daily work and when in contact with patients and patient advocacy groups, healthcare professionals, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders, there are a number of governing documents that affect all employees at Camurus.
Camurus discloses grants and donations provided by Camurus AB since January 2022, including requests for such support which have been received by the company’s subsidiaries, as well as ongoing and completed Investigator Sponsored Studies. We also disclose other transfers of values to healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations, in accordance with applicable laws.
For questions about Camurus’ sustainability work, please contact Iris Rehnström, Sustainability Director, sustainability@camurus.com
For questions specifically on Camurus’ business ethics and healthcare compliance, please contact compliance@camurus.com