Board of directors and committees

Board of directors
Meet Camurus' board of directors.
Audit committee
The main duties of the Audit Committee is to supervise the company’s financial reporting, monitor efficiency in its internal controls, internal audit and risk management, and apprise itself of information regarding the audit of the annual report and consolidated financial statements, review and monitor the auditor’s impartiality and independence and, in so doing, take particularly into account whether the auditor provides Camurus with services other than audit services.
The Audit Committee shall also assist the Nomination Committee with proposal to the general meeting for election of auditors. The Audit Committee has regular contacts with the auditors of Camurus. The members of the Audit Committee are Erika Söderberg Johnsson (chair), Hege Hellström and Stefan Persson. The committee complies with the Companies Act’s requirements for independence and accounting and auditing expertise.
Remuneration committee
The main duties of the Remuneration Committee is to prepare decisions by the Board of Directors on issues concerning remuneration principles, remuneration and other employment terms for the CEO and other members of the Group management, and to monitor and assess ongoing programs for variable remuneration to the Group management, as well as such programs as have been completed during the year.
Furthermore, the committee shall monitor and assess the application of the guidelines for remuneration to the executive management resolved by the annual general meeting, as well as applicable remuneration structures and remuneration levels in the company. The members of the Remuneration Committee are Per Olof Wallström (chair) and Jakob Lindberg. The committee is assessed to comply with the Code’s requirements for independence and appropriate knowledge and experience in questions related to remuneration of executive management.