Fredrik Tiberg
President & Chief Executive Officer

Fredrik Tiberg (born 1963) is Camurus’ president & Chief Executive Officer since 2003, and member of the Board since 2002.
He has more than 30 years of experience from the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry. Prior to joining Camurus, he was CEO of Heptahelix AB and adjunct professor of surface chemistry at Lund University and visiting professor of physical and theoretical chemistry at the University of Oxford. Furthermore, he has more than 110 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and is named inventor on more than 400 patents and patent applications.
Fredrik holds a M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from Lund Institute of Technology as well as a Ph.D. and Assoc. Prof. in Physical Chemistry from Lund University.
Other current assignments: Board member of Camurus AB, Camurus Lipid Research Foundation and Amniotics AB. Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA).
Holdings in the company: 1,615,000 shares, 42,000 employee options and 4,000 Performance Share Plan units.