Annette Mattsson
Vice President Regulatory Affairs

Annette Mattsson (born 1966) has been employed at Camurus since 2017 and was appointed Vice President, Regulatory Affairs in 2019. She holds the overall responsibility of the regulatory affairs function, including strategic development work, filings and post-approval activities.
She has more than 30 years of regulatory experience from development projects, regulatory strategy work and from over ten successful large submissions and approvals (EU, US, JP, ROW). She has held positions in small, medium and large pharmaceutical companies, including European RA Director/Global RA Lead at AstraZeneca and Global RA Portfolio Lead at LEO Pharma – where she gained experience from regulatory defense and lifecycle management work in many therapeutic areas. Additionally, she is active in the steering committee of Medicon Village´s Regulatory Affairs Pharma Network.
Annette holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy from Uppsala University and has studied Business Economics at the Lund University.
Holdings in the company: 2,004 shares, 16,000 employee options and 1,500 Performance Share Plan units.