Stefan Persson
Board Member

Stefan Persson (born 1967) is Board member since 2022. He is also member of the Audit Committee.
His work experience includes the position as President and CEO of Camurus’ main shareholder Sandberg Development AB. He holds a long and successful career from different positions within Perstorp, Sony Ericsson, Bang & Olufsen and as CEO of Precise Biometrics. Furthermore, he has for a period been working and living in China.
Stefan is educated in applied physics and electrical engineering at Linköping University.
Other current appointments: Board member of Sandberg Development, ISEC, Watersprint and Silanos. Chairman of the Board in Aimpoint, Rescue, Nordisk, GAIM, SWATAB and Xocchiali.
Holdings: 3,097 shares.
Independent in relation to the company and its management, but not in relation to the company’s major shareholders.